This wedding was way back in August! You gotta love the
small town church (my home town) here. It was an absolute
beautiful day in every aspect!

I love this picture, it seems as though they
didn't even know we were taking pictures.
There is a series of these pictures of the guys.
They seem kinda mafia-ish, especially with the
the "Glory to God" banner above them all in the
Nothing mafia-ish about the beautiful bride Missy!
The whole gang.
This was while the ceremony was just starting and the kids
were waiting on the steps... very patiently and behaving
like perfect angels. :)
Stewart had told us Missy had never rode in a limo, so he
had it all planned to surprise her with one after the ceremony.
Here is her perfect expression!
The limo/party made a few quick shots... I mean stops,
before making it to the reception!
Dancing the night away... with an apron. :) Very cute
All the kiddos blew bubbles during their first dance!
And last but not least, the beautiful flower girl!

Thanks you guys! It was so fun to be apart of your