
Nicole & Stu

This wedding was as classy as it gets. Everything about 
Nicole and Stu's wedding was perfect and matched who 
they are, I loved it!  

This is the cover to their wedding album... 

Their daughter getting ready... in her cool dress up clothes.
For some strange reason I just kept taking pictures of her...

A personal all time favorite shot. Putting on earrings, the
reflection, the color, the dress... 

Nicole is so beautiful, and her dress was fabulous to.

Just chillin on the deck, playing some great photo taking
music for us all.

The party...

The ladies...

The gents...

Before all the guests arrived. Seriously the most amazing
view of Duluth. 

A very brave little flower girl! All the guests were
smiling ear to ear watching her walk all the way to 
the altar.

A few fun/tasty shots!

A perfect day for a beautiful family! Thanks for letting us
follow you around. :)

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