
Espresso Your Love For The Bean Eve

Tonight we set up our PhotoBooth down
at the Headwaters Leaf & Bean Coffee Shop
for the shoot tomorrow! If you are out and
about in Solon Springs stop in and grab a 
drink and show your love to the camera! 
We'll be there between 10-12 laughing it 
up and getting jittery on caffeine. :) 
We had to get a few practice rounds in 
tonight though because the #1 customers of 
Headwaters wouldn't be able to make it
tomorrow!! We HAD to get them in on the
fun... So here's to Britta and the kids...


Let me think... do I want a double espresso or
a triple latte???


What do you mean Mom... why can't I have
a dozen caramel rolls to go?

Please oh please oh please....

Headwaters... Oh how I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great pics! Number one customers huh? Love it!!!!!

Auntie Shanny