
Crazy Girls

This first picture here is Audrey... she was
over last week for the afternoon and just 
so cute, I had to get a pic of her!

These now are from today... Sig's friend Maddelyn (big
sister to Audrey) came over for the day and they wanted
to play dress-up.  AND use all the play makeup...

They are posing here in front of their castle, which they 
also painted. 

These two can get a little nutty... 


Anonymous said...


Lisa said...

Those are treasures!

GuyStewart said...

Lyndsey: I have seen literally thousands of wedding pictures -- yours are amazing. You go so far beyond the "usual" that many of your pictures come close to being "art". What a blessing to be so in tune with God that you can serve him AND serve your art at the same time!

Say "Hi" to Al for me (this is Guy Stewart)

Jesus Girl said...

Okay, God is so behind you in this work..because you keep getting better and better! I am always awed at your new photos. Love you so much!
